I've been trying several different ways to create beachy waves in my hair. It's been kind of frustrating trying to find the right hair tool to create the trendy look.
My first try why was using a waving iron. The sales girl at Ulta said this would work for what I wanted. Sorry Ulta salesgirl......YOU ARE SO WRONG. I used this iron and damn if I didn't ended up with 80's crimped looking hair. It was horrible. I looked straight out of an 80's music video. Needless to say it was definitely not the look I was going for.
The next item on my list was the TopStyler by the people that make my beloved InStyler. I just knew that this would work. I love my InStyler and I thought for sure after watching the infomercials that their latest tool the TopStyler would do the trick......Ummmm.......NO! Very disappointed in this. It looks visually wonderful, the idea seems to be great, but the curls........not it. I was heartbroken. I really wanted to love this and wanted it to work. The curls made me look like a poodle. I tried to make them as loose as I possibly could but still TOO CURLY! I spent several hours trying to make it work. I returned it.
I was about to give up all together on the thought of the beachy wave look. I decided to try a different route. Beach Spray. There are so many out there, but I wanted to find the right one, and I found it! The product I bought was Marc Anthony's (not JLO's ex).
It's Dream Waves Beach Spray by Marc Anthony. This stuff is really inexpensive ($8.95 Walgreens or
Ulta for $8.99) and smells wonderful! All you do is spray it starting at the roots all the way down to the ends on damp freshly washed hair. Once you've sprayed it, then use a diffuser and scrunch your hair all or over. I flipped my hair over and scrunched it until it was 3/4 dry. Then I took my round brush to give my bangs a little flair and voila.....beachy waves!
I'm happy with how it turned out. It wasn't curly or crimped, just soft waves. YAY!
Dream Waves Beach Spray by Marc Anthony! |
Back left side of the my beach waves! |
Right back side of my beach waves! |
Front of my beach waves! |