Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Red Carpet Gel Manicure Part 2

This is part 2 of my Red Carpet Gel Manicure blog, and the results are in.......I LOVE IT.  If you are wanting your manicure to last 10 days then this is the way to go.  My first go at it was a little bit of a process.  Now that I have the hang of it, I'm hooked.

Taking off the polish was actually super easy.  In fact you can either go with the remover kit that has the foil with the built in cotton to add the nail polish remover or simply get foil (the kind you use in your hair when you get highlighted) and cut a small piece of a cotton pad and place it directly on your finger.  (Both you can use regular nail polish remover on the cotton piece)Either way the process was relatively painless.

Since part one of my blog I've gone ahead and done 2 more manicures.  I even found a polish from the Red Carpet line that was extremely close to my favorite Chanel Frenzy polish.

I'm posting pics of the removal to show how easy it is.  If you are interested in trying gel manicures go with the Red Carpet starter or pro set.  You get more bang for your buck, plus the individual polishes are less expensive than others like Gel Pro Plus.

This is the site if you want to see more.Red Carpet Manicure