Monday, July 30, 2012

Dry Shampoo/Conditioners.......Oh YES!

Dry Shampoo has been around for a long time. I tried it for the first time 7 years ago. Back then it was a colored powder in a squeeze type of bottle. I have dark brown hair and my only option was black, which didn't quite match. It was also messy and thick. I used Bumble and Bumble and that wasn't cheap. I think it cost almost $40.00 a bottle. Needless to say I stopped using it after a week.

Now a days you can get it in a spray can and it comes out very fine, and when used correctly clear. There are many brands out there from a $25 can from the salon to $3.00 at a retail store like Walgreens. All you do is spray it towards the roots of your hair so it soaks up the excess oil. Then you can also flip you hair upside down and spray lightly. Don't spray too close or you'll look like you have strands of white hair.

I've tried Tresseme and it works good but it wreaks. Dove has it too and it smells nice.

The one I love is by Suave. I know you're probably flashing back to those commercials where they show how salon experts can't tell the difference between a salon shampoo and Suave. Those commercials weren't talking about their dry shampoo. They probably should. Hmmm I think they do. I can't remember. Sorry I digress.

This stuff isn't only inexpensive it really works well and smells great. Another great thing is they have 3 types. You can buy the regular dry shampoo or dry conditioner, or their Keratin infused dry shampoo. I prefer the dry conditioner. It soaks up excess oil in your hair and freshens up your hair with a light pleasant scent. The dry conditioner also gives it a nice shine that isn't greasy like glossy sprays. I like using it in the middle of the day to liven up my hair. It's also great when you want to curl your hair. It really helps set the curl and style.

If your a person that washes your hair every other day this is perfect. It doesn't clean your hair but it does help give you a fresher feeling in between washes. I like both the shampoo and conditioner, but I what I use everyday is the conditioner.

Try it, and you'll feel the same!

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