Sunday, July 8, 2012

The modern Epilady Shaver

Back in the late 80's I had the misfortune of trying this brand new gadget for shaving your legs. It was the original Epilady. It was basically and electric shaver with a circular set of coils that ripped out the hairs from your leg. I say ripped because that's what it felt like but even worse. Needless to say I could only stand to do part of my leg, because it was too painful to do the rest.

About 3 months ago I was looking for an alternate way of hair removal other than the standard razor blade. I searched Amazon for a shaver that had great reviews (more than 3 stars out of 5). I found the Epilady Legend 4th generation. This had 4 1/2 stars out of 5.

As I read the reviews carefully, I noticed a theme amongst the reviewers. Almost all of them said it wasn't the painful experience that was said of the original. This peaked my curiosity. The price was reasonable $59.95. I remembered it used to be almost $200 back in 1986.

I have to say it's pretty great. There is no pain. If anything the first time its a bit uncomfortable but certainly not painful. After the first use it really was smooth sailing. It works really well and I have very course hair and it removes it with no problem. It's really awesome for shaving under your arms. It's a bunch of little tweezers that pull the hairs straight up. Not the circular coil that hurt so bad. Under the arms the shave lasts about 3 weeks. On my legs I can go a week to almost 2 before I see stubble.

If you are looking for an alternative to razor shaving, give this a try.


  1. I love this product too! It's great.

  2. Why couldn't they have made it this way from the beginning. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I love your website! and Epilady is indeed the best kept secret - I don't understand why there are women out there that are still NOT using it?!?!?!

  4. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm glad you like it. I find it amazing too, that not a lot of people are talking about this great shaver. Have a great weekend and keep visiting. I hope to have some new stuff up this weekend.

  5. I have seen Epilady popping up all over the place lately, I'm so glad to see that it has made a return in the personal care market! This truly is the best product in hair removal and I have no idea why people wouldn't use it! Sooooo awesome!

    1. Hopefully the word will spread! Thanks for visiting the Savvy Beauty Chick!

